
L’esquelet is a Macabre Boutique, based out of Long Beach, CA. Owner Lindsay, found herself learning to balance her inner darkness after a trip to Barcelona in early 2013. Inspired by exploring the depths of the city’s Gothic Architecture, her mind flourished with her own ideas. She began writing poetry and sketching ideas for dark adornment. October of 2013, L’esquelet opened its first virtual doors, and a few years later, a permanent space, on eclectic 4th Street in Downtown Long Beach inside DeadRockers Punk Shop.
L’esquelet, which is Catalan for ‘The Skeleton’, carries a unique mix of artwork, homewares, wearable adornment, ethically-sourced bones, specimens, and magical antiques. Lindsay’s particular love of old photographs, tintypes, and Victorian Gothic décor, has a heavy influence on the pieces she specifically curates for L’esquelet. Lindsay is constantly picking & saving pieces, and is always in search of more enchanting elements to add to the mix at L'esquelet. She looks forward to sharing those finds, & assisting you in selecting alluring pieces that speak to you.

“Inspired by the dark depths we hold in our souls. “ - @lesquelet

Follow Our Instagram to See New Arrivals, Show Dates, & More @lesquelet